Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer with the Oklahoma Lanes

Summer staycation!  For us this was one of the best vacations!  In June 2009, Doug, Amy, Elijah, Kat and Wyatt Lane drove out from Oklahoma to stay with us.  We had such a great time.  We went to Sea World in San Diego, Fashion Island in Newport Beach and of course trips to Doheny and Dana Point for some swimming and exploring.  Love living in Cali!  We love spending time with our family and wish they lived closer. 

Ian, Wyatt, Kat, Melissa, Amy, Doug (holding Lorelai) and Elijah Lane at Sea World

This teen is the "baby whisperer!"  Elijah would take Lorelai anytime when she was crying or fussy and get her to sleep!
Getting ready for the beach, Aunt Amy got some snuggles in

Cousin Katerina and baby Lorelai

Lorelai wasn't too fond of her first visit to the beach!  We were still determined to snap a picture, tears or no tears!

Hanging out at Taco Surf with these ladies!  Amy, Kat and Melissa Lane (note Kat swiped someone's hat)

Hanging out at Aunt Gina and Uncle Branden's house in Costa Mesa, CA

Doug walked around Sea World for a while with Lorelai asleep in his arms

Oklahoma Lanes hanging at the beach!  Wyatt, Elijah, Doug, Amy and Kat

Kat and Aunt Michelle holding Lorelai

Between all the aunts and uncles, mommy even got a picture!

The girls haning out at Fashion Island, Newport Beach.  Waiting for some yummy food at the Yard House

Elijah and Wyatt goofind around at the Yard House

Cousins!  Elijah, Wyatt and Ian Lane

Ian and Elijah Lane

Ian, Doug and baby Lorelai Lane at Sea World

Lorelai liked the beach while she was wrapped up in the jellybean wrap! I had to uncover her for the picture!

Everyone at Fashion Island, Newport Beach

Elijah hanging with grandma Joan and Aunt's Michelle and Gina

These 3 actually went swimming at the beach!  Brrrrrrr!  Too cold for me

Mommy and Baby Girl at Sea World

Kat and Lorelai are getting a little squished by these two characters!

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