Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lorelai's 5th Birthday

May 2014
This birthday seems like a milestone to me because it is the turning point from toddler to "kid."  So not ready for Lorelai to turn 5!  But it came anyway and so we had a little party.  Since we had moved to San Antonio, Texas three months ago Lorelai didn't have too many friends to have an actual party with and plus we live in a little we partied at Kiddie Park!  But the biggest surprise (at least for Lorelai and Gwen) was that Grandma and Grandpa Sewell came to visit!  The night before I decorated our apartment with some Ariel decorations and balloons we had picked out the day before.  So that morning Lorelai woke up to a decorated apartment.  Then a couple hours later...knock knock!  Surprise!  The girls were so excited!  Grandma had brought Lorelai a Elsa dress so they modeled their Elsa and Anna princess dresses that morning right away. Later that day we met up with Lorelai's friend Samantha and her sisters, Lauren (who is Gwen's age) and Katelyn (who is 6) and their mom Christina Gregory.  The girls had a blast riding the rides at Kiddie Park and we ate ice cream.  Then we came back to our apartment to BBQ hot dogs by the pool with grandma and grandpa who were staying for the week to vacation with us!  
Anna (aka Gwen) and Elsa (aka Lorelai)

Mom and Lorelai on the flying saucer at Kiddie Park

(L-R) Gwen (3) Lauren (3) Lorelai (5) Katelyn (6) Samantha (5) 

Lorelai sang into her microphone from grandma Janette the entire ride to and from Kiddie Park,
wore her Toms from Elyse and her shirt from Mommy

ending the night in her Jasmine nightgown (birthday present from mommy & daddy) 

A Letter from Mom:
1 May 2014
Dear Lorelai,
Five years seems like such a milestone, no longer a toddler, but now entering school age and you are more of a “kid.”  You have so many amazing qualities and remind me so much of myself!  You are a strong little girl, you know what you want to do and want everyone else to do it how you want, sometimes can tend to be  a bit bossy (you get that from me) and you get frustrated when things don’t go your way (also from me).  You are also very sensitive.  Sensitive to others needs and how others are feeling.  You visited daddy’s work where there were a lot of sick people and met one of the girls in a wheel chair.  A few days later you said you wanted to paint her a picture to make her happy.  You also say the most amazing prayers!  Very thoughtful and loving.  You love art, especially painting, and you love princesses!  Anything princess you love!  Right now you are loving Jasmine and Merida, but it seems to change weekly!  You are actually a little small for your age, in the 7th percentile for height and 11th for weight.  But I love it!  You have the sweetest, most beautiful angelic face and your pettiness makes you still my little girl!  I’m not ready for you to go to school!  You are really excited to go to kindergarten, but I am dreading it.  I know I will miss you so much!  I love talking to you and being around you!  You are very smart and have an amazing memory.  You know so many songs and your primary teachers commented on how much you know about the gospel.  For your birthday this year you decided you wanted an Ariel theme.  So before your birthday we went to Party City and picked out balloons and decorations.  The next morning, you were surprised with party decorations and an even bigger surprise, Grandma Susie and Grandpa Vern Sewell came to visit us in Texas from California!  They brought you a Princess Elsa dress from the movie Frozen and you were so excited!  We then went to Kiddie Park and spent the afternoon riding rides and eating ice cream with your friends Samantha, Lauren and Katelyn Gregory (and their mom, Christina).  We then came back to our little apartment and bbq’ed hot dogs by the pool.  You love hot dogs!  We ate cupcakes and ended the day by singing happy birthday with the Jergensen family via facetime!
Lorelai, I love you and love watching your personality develop!  It is amazing.  You always want to do the right thing and follow directions.  I love that you aim to please others and listen to your mom and dad.  At times you get frustrated if you can’t have it your way and so you get a little sassy, but all in all you are a perfect child! I love you so much and can’t believe 5 years have gone by since I held you in my arms for the first time.   I love you so much!

Love, Mom

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