Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baby Shower: Work Friends

I am so lucky to have worked for such a great company, Daltile, for so many years.  I had wonderful coworkers who become such great friends.  Two of my friends, Chi and Katie threw me a baby shower at the Daltile design gallery in Anaheim.  It was so nice, and even some of my customers came too!  I had an outpouring of support from my coworkers and customers, many of whom gave me very generous gifts!  I love my work family.

Katie Brassieur, Melissa Lane and Chi Truong
L-R Carrie Thoren, Mariela Sanchez, Stephanie Alvarez and Kirstin Khan

My fellow sales reps: Carol Leonard, Chi Truong, Katie Brassieur, and Maryellen Jacobson
Only a month to go!

The gallery conference room

Laura Smith looks stumped by the nursery rhyme game!  Next to her is Maryellen Jacobson and Kim (one of my customers)
L-R Kristin Khan, Carrie Thoren, Mariela Sanchez and Stephanie Alvarez

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