Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Baby Lane

We're having a baby!
I feel like when I had my 1st baby, my life truly began.  Thus this is my 1st post on our new family blog where I plan on journaling all the happenings of the Lane family.  After being married for almost 9 years Ian and I made the decision to finally start our family.  We got pregnant only 2 months after trying, very blessed.  I told Ian I was pregnant by wrapping up this adorable baby onesie!  I had a very typical pregnancy, morning sickness in the first trimester and aches and pains.  I was so excited to find out I was having a girl (I secretly wanted a girl).  We pondered over names but settled on our top 3: Lorelai, Guinevere and Savannah.  My due date was April 25 2009. 

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