Friday, September 12, 2014

Moving Day: San Antonio to Sugarland

September 2014
Moving day!  I did most of the packing and hired movers and now moving day has arrived!  Moving all by myself with three littles has been stressful but I made it!

The girls were finding all kinds of things while I was packing up

packing up the apartment.  Not sad to leave this little place 

Lorelai went to her friends house to play and when Gwen woke up from her nap this was
her face when she realized she was gone

Gwen found my banana slug slippers!  My favorite gift from my favorite UC Santa Cruz students

No furniture means  a lot of space to play

Sugarland here we come!

moving in to our house, now if I could just find the legs to my sofa

entertaining herself with my roller skates and a baby sun hat while a sick lorelai is resting on the
sofa behind her.  unpacking has been tedious and became even more fun when she threw up all over my rug

kitchen before and after 

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