Friday, April 18, 2014

Welcome Home Dad

April 2014
Well I sprained my foot on Saturday the 5th and as luck would have it Ian left for California for work training a week later.  I was overwhelmed with the fact that he was going to be leaving me alone for a week and I was unable to walk without crutches.  It was tough to care for myself, let alone three littles!  I prayed so hard that somehow his trip would be canceled, postponed...anything!  How was I going to survive?!  But my prayers were answered in a different way.  By Monday I was able to walk on my foot (whereas I couldn't put any weight on it, only 2 days before).  And by Tuesday my walking boot came in the mail which allowed me to walk more lengthy distances without aid of my crutches.  The week was still really hard, especially when I started getting sick with a cold mid week and Lorelai threw up late one night after eating too much candy at a birthday party.  But we survived!  We were couch potatoes and watched a lot of Tinker Bell.  But, we survived and couldn't wait to see Daddy!

A lot of this happening....

We decorated a welcome home sign for dad!  Couldn't wait to see him on friday!

my walking boot.  At least i can ditch the crutches

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